I know, I know… it’s only February and most of the country is a frozen tundra but hear me out… now is the BEST time to plan your Spring garden!
Before you know it, the ground will start to thaw and you’ll be itching to plant your vegetables, flowers, and check on all the reviving greenery around your home. What you don’t want to be doing is kicking yourself for not getting started sooner.

Here are 5 ways that you can prepare for a Spring garden now (and avoid scrambling in April):
1. Survey Your Yard
Take a stroll around your yard and take note of anything that needs to be fixed, cleaned up, sorted, or otherwise tended to. From debris piling up in corners of your yard to repairing fencing, to just general tidying up, your yard will definitely need a little TLC after a long winter. Make a list and then consider what supplies you’ll need to get the job done.
2. Tidy Up Flower Beds, Raised Gardens, and Borders
Beds and borders take a beating during the winter. Tend to each by cleaning up the edges, cleaning out any debris, and noting how much soil and/or mulch you’ll need once it’s time for planting. If you have raised garden beds, double-check that all the joints are secure, there aren’t any rotted spots or holes that might be giving critters easy access.
3. Clean Your Greenhouse
If you have a greenhouse on your property, take the time to clean it now before you start filling it with seedlings and cuttings. Start inside and make sure all surfaces are cleared and clean. Sweep the floors, make a note of what you need to restock, and ensure that everything is secure – no cracks or gaps in the windows/siding. Then on the next nice day, get out that hose and scrub brush and wash all those windows! Filmy, mildewing windows are the enemy of greenhouses.
Related Posts:
Get Your Greenhouse Ready for Spring
Make Your Greenhouse Functional

4. Organize Your Shed
Once you’ve tackled your greenhouse, move on over to the shed. You might not need your landscape equipment quite yet but do a quick review that the mower, weed-whacker, spreaders, and sprinklers are all in working order. Again, you don’t want to be surprised when it’s time to get to work!
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5. Plan your Gardens
Ok, finally the FUN part! Now is the time to sit down and really plan out your vegetable garden and flower beds. With so many different planting, blooming, and harvesting times depending on the varieties you and your family enjoy, it’s best to get out a notebook and consult your favorite gardening website while you plan your spring garden. Stick with what you know your family enjoys and that works for your region… then add a few surprises just for fun!
Home gardens are such an amazing way to enjoy fresh veggies and beautiful flowers, but they require some work upfront… and during.. and after harvest season… But seriously, whether you’re an avid flower gardener or expanding your veggie garden it’s so worth it!
If you’re ready for a shed or a greenhouse to level-up your gardening and to plan your spring garden, give us a call or check out our inventory online. We are happy to walk you through your options, discuss your particular needs, and schedule a FREE yard evaluation to make sure you get exactly what works best for your property.
Click here to schedule a free Yard Evaluation or contact us by phone: (254) 537-1014.