The weather is getting nicer and nicer. The thought of the crazy weather is behind us, and now we can’t stop thinking about all of the fun weekend activities to do with kids that we can do in Spring.
The first thing we want to do is get the kiddos out of the house and get the wiggles out.
There are tons of things you need to get done, like having friends over for an outdoor meal, organizing your house, and getting caught up on those Spring Break projects.
Keeping the kids occupied and engaged is important for a few reasons. First, they need to get their pent-up energy out. Second, you need a little break to breathe.
Here are 4 Fun Weekend Activities to do With Kids:
1. Bubbles
I know it sounds simple, but trust me. Bubbles are super cheap and easy. Plus, they will keep your kids entertained without needing too much supervision. Keeping the kids entertained does not have to be complicated.
You should see my twin toddlers chase after bubbles. Elli goes especially crazy!
2. Play on the backyard playset
Sending your kids out to the backyard is one of the joys of having a house. Having a playset dedicated to your kids and your family is a huge blessing. You can feel good about sending your kids out to the backyard to play and make believe with siblings and neighbors.
Related blog post: How to Plan The Perfect Playdate

3. Make edible sand
Did you know you can make sand out of Cheerios? It’s true. Simply blend up some Cheerios in a blender to create a texture just before pure dust. What you’ll have is sand that is edible if your little ones still put everything in their mouth. (Trust me, I know that life.)
4. Create a scavenger hunt of your neighborhood
A great way to keep your kids engaged and interested in your neighborhood is to create a scavenger hunt and go on a walk. You can make it as age appropriate as you need (noticing colors and shapes vs. noticing numbers vs. noticing patterns vs. noticing types of trees)

Getting outside means getting the energy out of those little bodies, saying hello to your neighbors who have been inside for months, and getting those brains thinking creatively.
There are lots of games and make-believe stories that can happen in the privacy of your backyard too. Check out this helpful blog post on 4 Playground Games That Are More Fun Than Tag.
Sometimes it’s hard to know which playset fit perfectly in your yard. We offer a FREE yard evaluation so you can be sure everything works for your situation.
Click here to schedule a free Yard Evaluation or contact us by phone: (254) 537-1014.
In the comments below, share your favorite backyard activity.
Let’s all share our ideas!