Hallelujah! The days are getting longer! It’s not like my twin toddlers loved the time change – and neither did Mom and Dad – but the extra light in the evenings drastically increased our time outside playing on the swing set and running out all of that energy. And, while the little ones are out running around, it’s the perfect time to spring clean your yard and house.

Here are 5 ways to spring clean your yard and house:
1. Clean up any yard debris
There’s always some leftover leaves from last fall, sticks that magically (and forever!) appear out of nowhere, weeds, and other litter that finds its way into your yard. There’s no escaping it. You’ll feel much better about the state of your yard if you clean up a little bit at a time.
Don’t forget to make it into a game to get the kiddos helping too. You can practice counting as they pick up sticks and put them in a pile for you.
Related blog post: Easy Spring Break Projects
2. Plant spring flowers
If you haven’t made a trip to the local nursery (#shoplocal) to pick up a few flowers, this is the time. Be sure to buy the smaller flowers (or plants or ground cover) because it’s cheaper and you’ll get all of the joy of watching your yard grow and bloom in the next couple of weeks.
3. Freshen up the chicken coop
It’s not the most fun job, but your hens need a clean coop to keep them healthy and laying. Just like you want to spring clean your yard and house, your chickens need a good spring cleaning too. Grab a scoop or a brush and get everything out. You don’t have to be a perfectionist – just do the best you can.
Remember – don’t put the chicken poop directly into your garden. There’s too much nitrogen. Add the droppings and bedding to your compost for a few months before you add it to your garden.
Related blog post: How to Keep Your Chickens Happy and Healthy

4. Hang a basket of flowers
Want an easy way to add the bright, cheery part of flowers but without the work? Hang a couple of baskets of flowers. You’ll get all of the springtime vibes with very little work. Plus, this adds instant curb appeal to your home and will make you smile.
5. Wash your glass, front door
Say goodbye to fingerprints and the imprint of your dog’s nose by giving your front door a wash. I’m sure you’re keeping your front door open more and more lately. Spray down the glass door and watch the sunlight pour into your home. It’ll raise the energy of your home and you can enjoy the outdoors while staying inside.
You don’t have to do everything all at once. Just take on one little project at a time when you have a minute to spring clean your yard and house. You’ll have instant gratification from these small changes – especially hanging baskets of flowers or spraying down the front door – that will make you feel like a rockstar.
Are you thinking about adding a swingset or chicken coop to your backyard? It’s hard to know what will fit and where. We offer a FREE yard evaluation so you can be sure everything works for your situation.
Click here to schedule a free Yard Evaluation or contact us by phone: (254) 537-1014.
Drop a comment –
What do you do in the spring to instantly make your home feel better?