Portable Aisle Horse Barns
Prefabricated aisle barns are one of the most convenient structures you can have for your cattle or livestock ranching or farming operation. Featuring a center path with stalls and storage spaces on either side, these aisle barns are the classic barn that most people think of when envisioning a barn.

Looking for metal horse barns? We're proud to partner with Eagle Carports to offer metal horse barns in a variety of sizes. Click here to see our metal Horse Barn options!
Standard Features
- 30-year architectural shingles
- Cypress board and batten
- Solid Oak Kickboards, 4′ High
- Southern Yellow Pine framing
- 6×6 Pressure Treated base framing
- 16″ on center roof rafters
- 7/16 roof sheathing with tarpaper
- Roof decking overhangs
- 10- or 12-foot center aisles
Options &
- Metal roofing
- Tack/feed room
- Partition Additions
- Extra doors and windows
- Ventilation
- Cupolas and weather vanes